On this page, you can find information about registration for SemTech2025. 



  • There is a limited number of available registrations. It will be offered on first-cum-first serve basis. 
  • The registration fee includes working lunches, tea/coffee, and snacks. 


For Online Registration

Please use the SemTech2025 Google Registration Form for Online Registrations.


1. Click on the URL to visit the Online Registration Page.
2. Fill in all the necessary Details.
3. Select the Registration Category.
    In case of Student, please upload a copy of your School/College/University ID Card/Letter from supervisor or HOD. 
4. Select if you are an International Delegate or Not.
    If yes, please enter all the necessary details.
5. Pay the Fees and upload Proof of the Transaction of the Registration Fees paid.

1. You will need a Google Account to apply Online.
2. If you do not have a Google Account, you can also send the forms in offline mode.



For Offline Registration



1. Download the SemTech2025 Registration Form (Click here)
2. Fill the details.
3. Pay the appropriate Registration Fees that suits your registration category. Refer to the Registration Fees table below. You can pay the registration fees via Online Transaction or by Demand Draft. For more details on Demand Draft Transaction, see below.
4. Scan the Transaction Receipt of the Registration Fees paid.
5. Scan the duly filled form. Attach the Registration Fees transaction proof. If you are student, attach your student id proof as well.
6. Send this document to the following email address:
    [email protected] and CC to [email protected]


Registration Fee

Registration fees

Registration Category

Early-bird registration (till 1st January 2025)

Late registration


GST 18%



GST 18%


Regular (Academic/Govt.)














Industry sponsored (nominated by the employer)







1. Multiple delegates from the same organization: 10% discount.

2. This discount is not applicable for student category.

*The registration under the students’ category should submit a photocopy of Institutional ID card along with their application. The original ID card should be produced at the Workshop venue.


For Online Transaction:

 Account Number: 02970110105078
 A/C Holder Name: Indian Statistical Institute
 Bank Name: UCO Bank,
 Branch Name: Kengeri, Bangalore 560060.
 IFSC Code: UCBA0000297 


 GST number: 29AAAAI0345R1ZB 



For Demand Draft (DD) Transaction:

Demand Draft (DD) should be made in favour of Indian Statistical Institute, Payable at Bangalore.
(NB: In case of outstation, please include appropriate bank transaction charges along with your demand drafts.)
Original DD should be sent to the following address:
Head, DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute, 8th Mile Mysore Road, RVCE Post, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 560059.

Send the duly filled Application Form along with the payment details via
E-mail: [email protected] (COPY TO [email protected])
Post: DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute, 8th Mile Mysore Road, RVCE Post, Bangalore


Terms and Conditions:

  1. Registration forms will not be accepted without registration fee.
  2. No request for refund of the registration fee (fully or partially) will be entertained.
  3. Participation is confirmed after receipt of 
    1. Filled in application form
    2. Course fee in full (Cash, DD or online transfer)
  4. ISI will provide a receipt for the payment received after the start of the course. The same to be used as a proof of payment. ISI accounting system does not entertain any other form of documentation. 
  5. Any participant applied for the program is understood to have gone through and accepted these terms and conditions.