Brain tumor segmentation using neuro-technology enabled intelligence-cascaded U-Net model

According to experts in neurology, brain tumours pose a serious risk to human health. The clinical identification and treatment of brain tumours rely heavily on accurate segmentation. The varied sizes, forms, and locations of brain tumours make accurate automated segmentation a formidable obstacle in the field of neuroscience. U-Net, with its computational intelligence and concise design, has lately been the go-to model for fixing medical picture segmentation issues. Problems with restricted local receptive fields, lost spatial information, and inadequate contextual information are still plaguing artificial intelligence. A convolutional neural network (CNN) and a Mel-spectrogram are the basis of this cough recognition technique. First, we combine the voice in a variety of intricate settings and improve the audio data. After that, we preprocess the data to make sure its length is consistent and create a Mel-spectrogram out of it. A novel model for brain tumor segmentation (BTS), Intelligence Cascade U-Net (ICU-Net), is proposed to address these issues. It is built on dynamic convolution and uses a non-local attention mechanism. In order to reconstruct more detailed spatial information on brain tumours, the principal design is a two-stage cascade of 3DU-Net. The paper’s objective is to identify the best learnable parameters that will maximize the likelihood of the data. After the network’s ability to gather long-distance dependencies for AI, Expectation–Maximization is applied to the cascade network’s lateral connections, enabling it to leverage contextual data more effectively. Lastly, to enhance the network’s ability to capture local characteristics, dynamic convolutions with local adaptive capabilities are used in place of the cascade network’s standard convolutions. We compared our results to those of other typical methods and ran extensive testing utilising the publicly available BraTS 2019/2020 datasets. The suggested method performs well on tasks involving BTS, according to the experimental data. The Dice scores for tumor core (TC), complete tumor, and enhanced tumor segmentation BraTS 2019/2020 validation sets are 0.897/0.903, 0.826/0.828, and 0.781/0.786, respectively, indicating high performance in BTS.

Artificial cognition vs. artificial intelligence for next-generation autonomous robotic agents

The trend in industrial/service robotics is to develop robots that can cooperate with people, interacting with them in an autonomous, safe and purposive way. These are the fundamental elements characterizing the fourth and the fifth industrial revolutions (4IR, 5IR): the crucial innovation is the adoption of intelligent technologies that can allow the development of cyber-physical systems, similar if not superior to humans. The common wisdom is that intelligence might be provided by AI (Artificial Intelligence), a claim that is supported more by media coverage and commercial interests than by solid scientific evidence. AI is currently conceived in a quite broad sense, encompassing LLMs and a lot of other things, without any unifying principle, but self-motivating for the success in various areas. The current view of AI robotics mostly follows a purely disembodied approach that is consistent with the old-fashioned, Cartesian mind-body dualism, reflected in the software-hardware distinction inherent to the von Neumann computing architecture. The working hypothesis of this position paper is that the road to the next generation of autonomous robotic agents with cognitive capabilities requires a fully brain-inspired, embodied cognitive approach that avoids the trap of mind-body dualism and aims at the full integration of Bodyware and Cogniware. We name this approach Artificial Cognition (ACo) and ground it in Cognitive Neuroscience. It is specifically focused on proactive knowledge acquisition based on bidirectional human-robot interaction: the practical advantage is to enhance generalization and explainability. Moreover, we believe that a brain-inspired network of interactions is necessary for allowing humans to cooperate with artificial cognitive agents, building a growing level of personal trust and reciprocal accountability: this is clearly missing, although actively sought, in current AI. The ACo approach is a work in progress that can take advantage of a number of research threads, some of them antecedent the early attempts to define AI concepts and methods. In the rest of the paper we will consider some of the building blocks that need to be re-visited in a unitary framework: the principles of developmental robotics, the methods of action representation with prospection capabilities, and the crucial role of social interaction.

Identification of Smith–Magenis syndrome cases through an experimental evaluation of machine learning methods

This research work introduces a novel, nonintrusive method for the automatic identification of Smith–Magenis syndrome, traditionally studied through genetic markers. The method utilizes cepstral peak prominence and various machine learning techniques, relying on a single metric computed by the research group. The performance of these techniques is evaluated across two case studies, each employing a unique data preprocessing approach. A proprietary data “windowing” technique is also developed to derive a more representative dataset. To address class imbalance in the dataset, the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) is applied for data augmentation. The application of these preprocessing techniques has yielded promising results from a limited initial dataset. The study concludes that the k-nearest neighbors and linear discriminant analysis perform best, and that cepstral peak prominence is a promising measure for identifying Smith–Magenis syndrome.

Novel deep learning framework for detection of epileptic seizures using EEG signals


Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by abnormal electrical activity in the brain, often leading to recurrent seizures. With 50 million people worldwide affected by epilepsy, there is a pressing need for efficient and accurate methods to detect and diagnose seizures. Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals have emerged as a valuable tool in detecting epilepsy and other neurological disorders. Traditionally, the process of analyzing EEG signals for seizure detection has relied on manual inspection by experts, which is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and susceptible to human error. To address these limitations, researchers have turned to machine learning and deep learning techniques to automate the seizure detection process.


In this work, we propose a novel method for epileptic seizure detection, leveraging the power of 1-D Convolutional layers in combination with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and Average pooling Layer as a single unit. This unit is repeatedly used in the proposed model to extract the features. The features are then passed to the Dense layers to predict the class of the EEG waveform. The performance of the proposed model is verified on the Bonn dataset. To assess the robustness and generalizability of our proposed architecture, we employ five-fold cross-validation. By dividing the dataset into five subsets and iteratively training and testing the model on different combinations of these subsets, we obtain robust performance measures, including accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity.


Our proposed model achieves an accuracy of 99–100% for binary classifications into seizure and normal waveforms, 97.2%–99.2% accuracy for classifications into normal-ictal-seizure waveforms, 96.2%–98.4% accuracy for four class classification and accuracy of 95.81%–98% for five class classification.


Our proposed models have achieved significant improvements in the performance metrics for the binary classifications and multiclass classifications. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed architecture in accurately detecting epileptic seizures from EEG signals by using EEG signals of varying lengths. The results indicate its potential as a reliable and efficient tool for automated seizure detection, paving the way for improved diagnosis and management of epilepsy.

A novel associative memory model based on semi-tensor product (STP)

A good intelligent learning model is the key to complete recognition of scene information and accurate recognition of specific targets in intelligent unmanned system. This study proposes a new associative memory model based on the semi-tensor product (STP) of matrices, to address the problems of information storage capacity and association. First, some preliminaries are introduced to facilitate modeling, and the problem of information storage capacity in the application of discrete Hopfield neural network (DHNN) to associative memory is pointed out. Second, learning modes are equivalently converted into their algebraic forms by using STP. A memory matrix is constructed to accurately remember these learning modes. Furthermore, an algorithm for updating the memory matrix is developed to improve the association ability of the model. And another algorithm is provided to show how our model learns and associates. Finally, some examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of our results. Compared with mainstream DHNNs, our model can remember learning modes more accurately with fewer nodes.

The connectivity degree controls the difficulty in reservoir design of random boolean networks

Reservoir Computing (RC) is a paradigm in artificial intelligence where a recurrent neural network (RNN) is used to process temporal data, leveraging the inherent dynamical properties of the reservoir to perform complex computations. In the realm of RC, the excitatory-inhibitory balance b has been shown to be pivotal for driving the dynamics and performance of Echo State Networks (ESN) and, more recently, Random Boolean Network (RBN). However, the relationship between b and other parameters of the network is still poorly understood. This article explores how the interplay of the balance b, the connectivity degree K (i.e., the number of synapses per neuron) and the size of the network (i.e., the number of neurons N) influences the dynamics and performance (memory and prediction) of an RBN reservoir. Our findings reveal that K and b are strongly tied in optimal reservoirs. Reservoirs with high K have two optimal balances, one for globally inhibitory networks (b < 0), and the other one for excitatory networks (b > 0). Both show asymmetric performances about a zero balance. In contrast, for moderate K, the optimal value being K = 4, best reservoirs are obtained when excitation and inhibition almost, but not exactly, balance each other. For almost all K, the influence of the size is such that increasing N leads to better performance, even with very large values of N. Our investigation provides clear directions to generate optimal reservoirs or reservoirs with constraints on size or connectivity.

Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying perception and sentience in the neocortex

The basis for computation in the brain is the quantum threshold of “soliton,” which accompanies the ion changes of the action potential, and the refractory membrane at convergences. Here, we provide a logical explanation from the action potential to a neuronal model of the coding and computation of the retina. We also explain how the visual cortex operates through quantum-phase processing. In the small-world network, parallel frequencies collide into definable patterns of distinct objects. Elsewhere, we have shown how many sensory cells are meanly sampled from a single neuron and that convergences of neurons are common. We also demonstrate, using the threshold and refractory period of a quantum-phase pulse, that action potentials diffract across a neural network due to the annulment of parallel collisions in the phase ternary computation (PTC). Thus, PTC applied to neuron convergences results in a collective mean sampled frequency and is the only mathematical solution within the constraints of the brain neural networks (BNN). In the retina and other sensory areas, we discuss how this information is initially coded and then understood in terms of network abstracts within the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and visual cortex. First, by defining neural patterning within a neural network, and then in terms of contextual networks, we demonstrate that the output of frequencies from the visual cortex contains information amounting to abstract representations of objects in increasing detail. We show that nerve tracts from the LGN provide time synchronization to the neocortex (defined as the location of the combination of connections of the visual cortex, motor cortex, auditory cortex, etc.). The full image is therefore combined in the neocortex with other sensory modalities so that it receives information about the object from the eye and all the abstracts that make up the object. Spatial patterns in the visual cortex are formed from individual patterns illuminating the retina, and memory is encoded by reverberatory loops of computational action potentials (CAPs). We demonstrate that a similar process of PTC may take place in the cochlea and associated ganglia, as well as ascending information from the spinal cord, and that this function should be considered universal where convergences of neurons occur.

An exploratory computational analysis in mice brain networks of widespread epileptic seizure onset locations along with potential strategies for effective intervention and propagation control

Mean-field models have been developed to replicate key features of epileptic seizure dynamics. However, the precise mechanisms and the role of the brain area responsible for seizure onset and propagation remain incompletely understood. In this study, we employ computational methods within The Virtual Brain framework and the Epileptor model to explore how the location and connectivity of an Epileptogenic Zone (EZ) in a mouse brain are related to focal seizures (seizures that start in one brain area and may or may not remain localized), with a specific focus on the hippocampal region known for its association with epileptic seizures. We then devise computational strategies to confine seizures (prevent widespread propagation), simulating medical-like treatments such as tissue resection and the application of an anti-seizure drugs or neurostimulation to suppress hyperexcitability. Through selectively removing (blocking) specific connections informed by the structural connectome and graph network measurements or by locally reducing outgoing connection weights of EZ areas, we demonstrate that seizures can be kept constrained around the EZ region. We successfully identified the minimal connections necessary to prevent widespread seizures, with a particular focus on minimizing surgical or medical intervention while simultaneously preserving the original structural connectivity and maximizing brain functionality.

Noise-induced synchrony of two-neuron motifs with asymmetric noise and uneven coupling

Synchronous dynamics play a pivotal role in various cognitive processes. Previous studies extensively investigate noise-induced synchrony in coupled neural oscillators, with a focus on scenarios featuring uniform noise and equal coupling strengths between neurons. However, real-world or experimental settings frequently exhibit heterogeneity, including deviations from uniformity in coupling and noise patterns. This study investigates noise-induced synchrony in a pair of coupled excitable neurons operating in a heterogeneous environment, where both noise intensity and coupling strength can vary independently. Each neuron is an excitable oscillator, represented by the normal form of Hopf bifurcation (HB). In the absence of stimulus, these neurons remain quiescent but can be triggered by perturbations, such as noise. Typically, noise and coupling exert opposing influences on neural dynamics, with noise diminishing coherence and coupling promoting synchrony. Our results illustrate the ability of asymmetric noise to induce synchronization in such coupled neural oscillators, with synchronization becoming increasingly pronounced as the system approaches the excitation threshold (i.e., HB). Additionally, we find that uneven coupling strengths and noise asymmetries are factors that can promote in-phase synchrony. Notably, we identify an optimal synchronization state when the absolute difference in coupling strengths is maximized, regardless of the specific coupling strengths chosen. Furthermore, we establish a robust relationship between coupling asymmetry and the noise intensity required to maximize synchronization. Specifically, when one oscillator (receiver neuron) receives a strong input from the other oscillator (source neuron) and the source neuron receives significantly weaker or no input from the receiver neuron, synchrony is maximized when the noise applied to the receiver neuron is much weaker than that applied to the source neuron. These findings reveal the significant connection between uneven coupling and asymmetric noise in coupled neuronal oscillators, shedding light on the enhanced propensity for in-phase synchronization in two-neuron motifs with one-way connections compared to those with two-way connections. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the functional roles of network motifs that may serve within neuronal dynamics.