Lost in the Forest: Encoding categorical variables and the absent levels problem


Levels of a predictor variable that are absent when a classification tree is grown can not be subject to an explicit splitting rule. This is an issue if these absent levels are present in a new observation for prediction. To date, there remains no satisfactory solution for absent levels in random forest models. Unlike missing data, absent levels are fully observed and known. Ordinal encoding of predictors allows absent levels to be integrated and used for prediction. Using a case study on source attribution of Campylobacter species using whole genome sequencing (WGS) data as predictors, we examine how target-agnostic versus target-based encoding of predictor variables with absent levels affects the accuracy of random forest models. We show that a target-based encoding approach using class probabilities, with absent levels designated the highest rank, is systematically biased, and that this bias is resolved by encoding absent levels according to the a priori hypothesis of equal class probability. We present a novel method of ordinal encoding predictors via principal coordinates analysis (PCO) which capitalizes on the similarity between pairs of predictor levels. Absent levels are encoded according to their similarity to each of the other levels in the training data. We show that the PCO-encoding method performs at least as well as the target-based approach and is not biased.

Time series clustering with random convolutional kernels


Time series data, spanning applications ranging from climatology to finance to healthcare, presents significant challenges in data mining due to its size and complexity. One open issue lies in time series clustering, which is crucial for processing large volumes of unlabeled time series data and unlocking valuable insights. Traditional and modern analysis methods, however, often struggle with these complexities. To address these limitations, we introduce R-Clustering, a novel method that utilizes convolutional architectures with randomly selected parameters. Through extensive evaluations, R-Clustering demonstrates superior performance over existing methods in terms of clustering accuracy, computational efficiency and scalability. Empirical results obtained using the UCR archive demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach across diverse time series datasets. The findings highlight the significance of R-Clustering in various domains and applications, contributing to the advancement of time series data mining.

A comparative study of methods for estimating model-agnostic Shapley value explanations


Shapley values originated in cooperative game theory but are extensively used today as a model-agnostic explanation framework to explain predictions made by complex machine learning models in the industry and academia. There are several algorithmic approaches for computing different versions of Shapley value explanations. Here, we consider Shapley values incorporating feature dependencies, referred to as conditional Shapley values, for predictive models fitted to tabular data. Estimating precise conditional Shapley values is difficult as they require the estimation of non-trivial conditional expectations. In this article, we develop new methods, extend earlier proposed approaches, and systematize the new refined and existing methods into different method classes for comparison and evaluation. The method classes use either Monte Carlo integration or regression to model the conditional expectations. We conduct extensive simulation studies to evaluate how precisely the different method classes estimate the conditional expectations, and thereby the conditional Shapley values, for different setups. We also apply the methods to several real-world data experiments and provide recommendations for when to use the different method classes and approaches. Roughly speaking, we recommend using parametric methods when we can specify the data distribution almost correctly, as they generally produce the most accurate Shapley value explanations. When the distribution is unknown, both generative methods and regression models with a similar form as the underlying predictive model are good and stable options. Regression-based methods are often slow to train but quickly produce the Shapley value explanations once trained. The vice versa is true for Monte Carlo-based methods, making the different methods appropriate in different practical situations.

Interpretable linear dimensionality reduction based on bias-variance analysis


One of the central issues of several machine learning applications on real data is the choice of the input features. Ideally, the designer should select a small number of the relevant, nonredundant features to preserve the complete information contained in the original dataset, with little collinearity among features. This procedure helps mitigate problems like overfitting and the curse of dimensionality, which arise when dealing with high-dimensional problems. On the other hand, it is not desirable to simply discard some features, since they may still contain information that can be exploited to improve results. Instead, dimensionality reduction techniques are designed to limit the number of features in a dataset by projecting them into a lower dimensional space, possibly considering all the original features. However, the projected features resulting from the application of dimensionality reduction techniques are usually difficult to interpret. In this paper, we seek to design a principled dimensionality reduction approach that maintains the interpretability of the resulting features. Specifically, we propose a bias-variance analysis for linear models and we leverage these theoretical results to design an algorithm, Linear Correlated Features Aggregation (LinCFA), which aggregates groups of continuous features with their average if their correlation is “sufficiently large”. In this way, all features are considered, the dimensionality is reduced and the interpretability is preserved. Finally, we provide numerical validations of the proposed algorithm both on synthetic datasets to confirm the theoretical results and on real datasets to show some promising applications.

MCCE: Monte Carlo sampling of valid and realistic counterfactual explanations for tabular data


We introduce MCCE: \({{{\underline{\varvec{M}}}}}\) onte \({{{\underline{\varvec{C}}}}}\) arlo sampling of valid and realistic \({{{\underline{\varvec{C}}}}}\) ounterfactual \({{{\underline{\varvec{E}}}}}\) xplanations for tabular data, a novel counterfactual explanation method that generates on-manifold, actionable and valid counterfactuals by modeling the joint distribution of the mutable features given the immutable features and the decision. Unlike other on-manifold methods that tend to rely on variational autoencoders and have strict prediction model and data requirements, MCCE handles any type of prediction model and categorical features with more than two levels. MCCE first models the joint distribution of the features and the decision with an autoregressive generative model where the conditionals are estimated using decision trees. Then, it samples a large set of observations from this model, and finally, it removes the samples that do not obey certain criteria. We compare MCCE with a range of state-of-the-art on-manifold counterfactual methods using four well-known data sets and show that MCCE outperforms these methods on all common performance metrics and speed. In particular, including the decision in the modeling process improves the efficiency of the method substantially.

Binary quantification and dataset shift: an experimental investigation


Quantification is the supervised learning task that consists of training predictors of the class prevalence values of sets of unlabelled data, and is of special interest when the labelled data on which the predictor has been trained and the unlabelled data are not IID, i.e., suffer from dataset shift. To date, quantification methods have mostly been tested only on a special case of dataset shift, i.e., prior probability shift; the relationship between quantification and other types of dataset shift remains, by and large, unexplored. In this work we carry out an experimental analysis of how current quantification algorithms behave under different types of dataset shift, in order to identify limitations of current approaches and hopefully pave the way for the development of more broadly applicable methods. We do this by proposing a fine-grained taxonomy of types of dataset shift, by establishing protocols for the generation of datasets affected by these types of shift, and by testing existing quantification methods on the datasets thus generated. One finding that results from this investigation is that many existing quantification methods that had been found robust to prior probability shift are not necessarily robust to other types of dataset shift. A second finding is that no existing quantification method seems to be robust enough to dealing with all the types of dataset shift we simulate in our experiments. The code needed to reproduce all our experiments is publicly available at https://github.com/pglez82/quant_datasetshift.

Online concept evolution detection based on active learning


Concept evolution detection is an important and difficult problem in streaming data mining. When the labeled samples in streaming data insufficient to reflect the training data distribution, it will often further restrict the detection performance. This paper proposed a concept evolution detection method based on active learning (CE_AL). Firstly, the initial classifiers are constructed by a small number of labeled samples. The sample areas are divided into the automatic labeling and the active labeling areas according to the relationship between the classifiers of different categories. Secondly, for online new coming samples, according to their different areas, two strategies based on the automatic learning-based model labeling and active learning-based expert labeling are adopted respectively, which can improve the online learning performance with only a small number of labeled samples. Besides, the strategy of “data enhance” combined with “model enhance” is adopted to accelerate the convergence of the evolution category detection model. The experimental results show that the proposed CE_AL method can enhance the detection performance of concept evolution and realize efficient learning in an unstable environment by labeling a small number of key samples.

Marginal effects for non-linear prediction functions


Beta coefficients for linear regression models represent the ideal form of an interpretable feature effect. However, for non-linear models such as generalized linear models, the estimated coefficients cannot be interpreted as a direct feature effect on the predicted outcome. Hence, marginal effects are typically used as approximations for feature effects, either as derivatives of the prediction function or forward differences in prediction due to changes in feature values. While marginal effects are commonly used in many scientific fields, they have not yet been adopted as a general model-agnostic interpretation method for machine learning models. This may stem from the ambiguity surrounding marginal effects and their inability to deal with the non-linearities found in black box models. We introduce a unified definition of forward marginal effects (FMEs) that includes univariate and multivariate, as well as continuous, categorical, and mixed-type features. To account for the non-linearity of prediction functions, we introduce a non-linearity measure for FMEs. Furthermore, we argue against summarizing feature effects of a non-linear prediction function in a single metric such as the average marginal effect. Instead, we propose to average homogeneous FMEs within population subgroups, which serve as conditional feature effect estimates.

Learning a Bayesian network with multiple latent variables for implicit relation representation


Artificial intelligence applications could be more powerful and comprehensive by incorporating the ability of inference, which could be achieved by probabilistic inference over implicit relations. It is significant yet challenging to represent implicit relations among observed variables and latent ones like disease etiologies and user preferences. In this paper, we propose the BN with multiple latent variables (MLBN) as the framework for representing the dependence relations, where multiple latent variables are incorporated to describe multi-dimensional abstract concepts. However, the efficiency of MLBN learning and effectiveness of MLBN based applications are still nontrivial due to the presence of multiple latent variables. To this end, we first propose the constraint induced and Spark based algorithm for MLBN learning, as well as several optimization strategies. Moreover, we present the concept of variation degree and further design a subgraph based algorithm for incremental learning of MLBN. Experimental results suggest that our proposed MLBN model could represent the dependence relations correctly. Our proposed method outperforms some state-of-the-art competitors for personalized recommendation, and facilitates some typical approaches to achieve better performance.