EPI-SQL: Enhancing Text-to-SQL Translation with Error-Prevention Instructions

arXiv:2404.14453v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The conversion of natural language queries into SQL queries, known as Text-to-SQL, is a critical yet challenging task. This paper introduces EPI-SQL, a novel methodological framework leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance the performance of Text-to-SQL tasks. EPI-SQL operates through a four-step process. Initially, the method involves gathering instances from the Spider dataset on which LLMs are prone to failure. These instances are then utilized to generate general error-prevention instructions (EPIs). Subsequently, LLMs craft contextualized EPIs tailored to the specific context of the current task. Finally, these context-specific EPIs are incorporated into the prompt used for SQL generation. EPI-SQL is distinguished in that it provides task-specific guidance, enabling the model to circumvent potential errors for the task at hand. Notably, the methodology rivals the performance of advanced few-shot methods despite being a zero-shot approach. An empirical assessment using the Spider benchmark reveals that EPI-SQL achieves an execution accuracy of 85.1\%, underscoring its effectiveness in generating accurate SQL queries through LLMs. The findings indicate a promising direction for future research, i.e. enhancing instructions with task-specific and contextualized rules, for boosting LLMs' performance in NLP tasks.

Towards the Human Digital Twin: Definition and Design — A survey

Human Digital Twins (HDTs) are a fast-emerging technology with significant potential in fields ranging from healthcare to sports. HDTs extend the traditional understanding of Digital Twins by representing humans as the underlying physical entity. This has introduced several significant challenges, including ambiguity in the definition of HDTs and a lack of guidance for their design. This survey brings together the recent advances in the field of HDTs to guide future developers by proposing a first cross-domain definition of HDTs based on their characteristics, as well as eleven key design considerations that emerge from the associated challenges.

Evaluating the Data Model Robustness of Text-to-SQL Systems Based on Real User Queries

Text-to-SQL systems (also known as NL-to-SQL systems) have become an increasingly popular solution for bridging the gap between user capabilities and SQL-based data access. These systems translate user requests in natural language to valid SQL statements for a specific database. Recent Text-to-SQL systems have benefited from the rapid improvement of transformer-based language models. However, while Text-to-SQL systems that incorporate such models continuously reach new high scores on -- often synthetic -- benchmark datasets, a systematic exploration of their robustness towards different data models in a real-world, realistic scenario is notably missing. This paper provides the first in-depth evaluation of the data model robustness of Text-to-SQL systems in practice based on a multi-year international project focused on Text-to-SQL interfaces. Our evaluation is based on a real-world deployment of FootballDB, a system that was deployed over a 9 month period in the context of the FIFA World Cup 2022, during which about 6K natural language questions were asked and executed. All of our data is based on real user questions that were asked live to the system. We manually labeled and translated a subset of these questions for three different data models. For each data model, we explore the performance of representative Text-to-SQL systems and language models. We further quantify the impact of training data size, pre-, and post-processing steps as well as language model inference time. Our comprehensive evaluation sheds light on the design choices of real-world Text-to-SQL systems and their impact on moving from research prototypes to real deployments. Last, we provide a new benchmark dataset to the community, which is the first to enable the evaluation of different data models for the same dataset and is substantially more challenging than most previous datasets in terms of query complexity.

Prompt4Vis: Prompting Large Language Models with Example Mining and Schema Filtering for Tabular Data Visualization

Data visualization (DV) systems are increasingly recognized for their profound capability to uncover insights from vast datasets, gaining attention across both industry and academia. Crafting data queries is an essential process within certain declarative visualization languages (DVLs, e.g., Vega-Lite, EChart.). The evolution of natural language processing (NLP) technologies has streamlined the use of natural language interfaces to visualize tabular data, offering a more accessible and intuitive user experience. However, current methods for converting natural language questions into data visualization queries, such as Seq2Vis, ncNet, and RGVisNet, despite utilizing complex neural network architectures, still fall short of expectations and have great room for improvement. Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and GPT-4, have established new benchmarks in a variety of NLP tasks, fundamentally altering the landscape of the field. Inspired by these advancements, we introduce a novel framework, Prompt4Vis, leveraging LLMs and in-context learning to enhance the performance of generating data visualization from natural language. Prompt4Vis comprises two key components: (1) a multi-objective example mining module, designed to find out the truly effective examples that strengthen the LLM's in-context learning capabilities for text-to-vis; (2) a schema filtering module, which is proposed to simplify the schema of the database. Extensive experiments through 5-fold cross-validation on the NVBench dataset demonstrate the superiority of Prompt4Vis, which notably surpasses the state-of-the-art (SOTA) RGVisNet by approximately 35.9% and 71.3% on dev and test sets, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, Prompt4Vis is the first work that introduces in-context learning into the text-to-vis for generating data visualization queries.

Data-Driven Information Extraction and Enrichment of Molecular Profiling Data for Cancer Cell Lines

With the proliferation of research means and computational methodologies, published biomedical literature is growing exponentially in numbers and volume. Cancer cell lines are frequently used models in biological and medical research that are currently applied for a wide range of purposes, from studies of cellular mechanisms to drug development, which has led to a wealth of related data and publications. Sifting through large quantities of text to gather relevant information on the cell lines of interest is tedious and extremely slow when performed by humans. Hence, novel computational information extraction and correlation mechanisms are required to boost meaningful knowledge extraction. In this work, we present the design, implementation and application of a novel data extraction and exploration system. This system extracts deep semantic relations between textual entities from scientific literature to enrich existing structured clinical data in the domain of cancer cell lines. We introduce a new public data exploration portal, which enables automatic linking of genomic copy number variants plots with ranked, related entities such as affected genes. Each relation is accompanied by literature-derived evidences, allowing for deep, yet rapid, literature search, using existing structured data as a springboard. Our system is publicly available on the web at https://cancercelllines.org

AraSpider: Democratizing Arabic-to-SQL

This study presents AraSpider, the first Arabic version of the Spider dataset, aimed at improving natural language processing (NLP) in the Arabic-speaking community. Four multilingual translation models were tested for their effectiveness in translating English to Arabic. Additionally, two models were assessed for their ability to generate SQL queries from Arabic text. The results showed that using back translation significantly improved the performance of both ChatGPT 3.5 and SQLCoder models, which are considered top performers on the Spider dataset. Notably, ChatGPT 3.5 demonstrated high-quality translation, while SQLCoder excelled in text-to-SQL tasks. The study underscores the importance of incorporating contextual schema and employing back translation strategies to enhance model performance in Arabic NLP tasks. Moreover, the provision of detailed methodologies for reproducibility and translation of the dataset into other languages highlights the research's commitment to promoting transparency and collaborative knowledge sharing in the field. Overall, these contributions advance NLP research, empower Arabic-speaking researchers, and enrich the global discourse on language comprehension and database interrogation.

Engineering Design Knowledge Graphs from Patented Artefact Descriptions for Retrieval-Augmented Generation in the Design Process

Despite significant popularity, Large-language Models (LLMs) require explicit, contextual facts to support domain-specific knowledge-intensive tasks in the design process. The applications built using LLMs should hence adopt Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to better suit the design process. In this article, we present a data-driven method to identify explicit facts from patent documents that provide standard descriptions of over 8 million artefacts. In our method, we train roBERTa Transformer-based sequence classification models using our dataset of 44,227 sentences and facts. Upon classifying tokens in a sentence as entities or relationships, our method uses another classifier to identify specific relationship tokens for a given pair of entities so that explicit facts of the form head entity :: relationship :: tail entity are identified. In the benchmark approaches for constructing facts, we use linear classifiers and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) both incorporating BERT Transformer-based token embeddings to predict associations among the entities and relationships. We apply our method to 4,870 fan system related patents and populate a knowledge base of around 3 million facts. Upon retrieving the facts representing generalisable domain knowledge and the knowledge of specific subsystems and issues, we demonstrate how these facts contextualise LLMs for generating text that is more relevant to the design process.

SPARQL Generation: an analysis on fine-tuning OpenLLaMA for Question Answering over a Life Science Knowledge Graph

The recent success of Large Language Models (LLM) in a wide range of Natural Language Processing applications opens the path towards novel Question Answering Systems over Knowledge Graphs leveraging LLMs. However, one of the main obstacles preventing their implementation is the scarcity of training data for the task of translating questions into corresponding SPARQL queries, particularly in the case of domain-specific KGs. To overcome this challenge, in this study, we evaluate several strategies for fine-tuning the OpenLlama LLM for question answering over life science knowledge graphs. In particular, we propose an end-to-end data augmentation approach for extending a set of existing queries over a given knowledge graph towards a larger dataset of semantically enriched question-to-SPARQL query pairs, enabling fine-tuning even for datasets where these pairs are scarce. In this context, we also investigate the role of semantic "clues" in the queries, such as meaningful variable names and inline comments. Finally, we evaluate our approach over the real-world Bgee gene expression knowledge graph and we show that semantic clues can improve model performance by up to 33% compared to a baseline with random variable names and no comments included.

When Large Language Models Meet Vector Databases: A Survey

This survey explores the synergistic potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Vector Databases (VecDBs), a burgeoning but rapidly evolving research area. With the proliferation of LLMs comes a host of challenges, including hallucinations, outdated knowledge, prohibitive commercial application costs, and memory issues. VecDBs emerge as a compelling solution to these issues by offering an efficient means to store, retrieve, and manage the high-dimensional vector representations intrinsic to LLM operations. Through this nuanced review, we delineate the foundational principles of LLMs and VecDBs and critically analyze their integration's impact on enhancing LLM functionalities. This discourse extends into a discussion on the speculative future developments in this domain, aiming to catalyze further research into optimizing the confluence of LLMs and VecDBs for advanced data handling and knowledge extraction capabilities.

SMUTF: Schema Matching Using Generative Tags and Hybrid Features

We introduce SMUTF, a unique approach for large-scale tabular data schema matching (SM), which assumes that supervised learning does not affect performance in open-domain tasks, thereby enabling effective cross-domain matching. This system uniquely combines rule-based feature engineering, pre-trained language models, and generative large language models. In an innovative adaptation inspired by the Humanitarian Exchange Language, we deploy 'generative tags' for each data column, enhancing the effectiveness of SM. SMUTF exhibits extensive versatility, working seamlessly with any pre-existing pre-trained embeddings, classification methods, and generative models. Recognizing the lack of extensive, publicly available datasets for SM, we have created and open-sourced the HDXSM dataset from the public humanitarian data. We believe this to be the most exhaustive SM dataset currently available. In evaluations across various public datasets and the novel HDXSM dataset, SMUTF demonstrated exceptional performance, surpassing existing state-of-the-art models in terms of accuracy and efficiency, and} improving the F1 score by 11.84% and the AUC of ROC by 5.08%.