Classifying Conspiratorial Narratives At Scale: False Alarms and Erroneous Connections

arXiv:2404.00141v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Online discussions frequently involve conspiracy theories, which can contribute to the proliferation of belief in them. However, not all discussions surrounding conspiracy theories promote them, as some are intended to debunk them. Existing research has relied on simple proxies or focused on a constrained set of signals to identify conspiracy theories, which limits our understanding of conspiratorial discussions across different topics and online communities. This work establishes a general scheme for classifying discussions related to conspiracy theories based on authors' perspectives on the conspiracy belief, which can be expressed explicitly through narrative elements, such as the agent, action, or objective, or implicitly through references to known theories, such as chemtrails or the New World Order. We leverage human-labeled ground truth to train a BERT-based model for classifying online CTs, which we then compared to the Generative Pre-trained Transformer machine (GPT) for detecting online conspiratorial content. Despite GPT's known strengths in its expressiveness and contextual understanding, our study revealed significant flaws in its logical reasoning, while also demonstrating comparable strengths from our classifiers. We present the first large-scale classification study using posts from the most active conspiracy-related Reddit forums and find that only one-third of the posts are classified as positive. This research sheds light on the potential applications of large language models in tasks demanding nuanced contextual comprehension.

Can AI Outperform Human Experts in Creating Social Media Creatives?

arXiv:2404.00018v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Artificial Intelligence has outperformed human experts in functional tasks such as chess and baduk. How about creative tasks? This paper evaluates AI's capability in the creative domain compared to human experts, which little research has been conducted so far. We propose a novel Prompt-for-Prompt to generate social media creatives via prompt augmentation by Large Language Models. We take the most popular Instagram posts (with the biggest number of like clicks) in top brands' Instagram accounts to create social media creatives. We give GPT 4 several prompt instructions with text descriptions to generate the most effective prompts for cutting-edge text-to-image generators: Midjourney, DALL E 3, and Stable Diffusion. LLM-augmented prompts can boost AI's abilities by adding objectives, engagement strategy, lighting and brand consistency for social media image creation. We conduct an extensive human evaluation experiment, and find that AI excels human experts, and Midjourney is better than the other text-to-image generators. Surprisingly, unlike conventional wisdom in the social media industry, prompt instruction including eye-catching shows much poorer performance than those including natural. Regarding the type of creatives, AI improves creatives with animals or products but less with real people. Also, AI improves creatives with short text descriptions more than with long text descriptions, because there is more room for AI to augment prompts with shorter descriptions.

Many-Objective Evolutionary Influence Maximization: Balancing Spread, Budget, Fairness, and Time

arXiv:2403.18755v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The Influence Maximization (IM) problem seeks to discover the set of nodes in a graph that can spread the information propagation at most. This problem is known to be NP-hard, and it is usually studied by maximizing the influence (spread) and, optionally, optimizing a second objective, such as minimizing the seed set size or maximizing the influence fairness. However, in many practical scenarios multiple aspects of the IM problem must be optimized at the same time. In this work, we propose a first case study where several IM-specific objective functions, namely budget, fairness, communities, and time, are optimized on top of the maximization of influence and minimization of the seed set size. To this aim, we introduce MOEIM (Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Influence Maximization) a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) based on NSGA-II incorporating graph-aware operators and a smart initialization. We compare MOEIM in two experimental settings, including a total of nine graph datasets, two heuristic methods, a related MOEA, and a state-of-the-art Deep Learning approach. The experiments show that MOEIM overall outperforms the competitors in most of the tested many-objective settings. To conclude, we also investigate the correlation between the objectives, leading to novel insights into the topic. The codebase is available at

Detection of Opioid Users from Reddit Posts via an Attention-based Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network

arXiv:2403.15393v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The opioid epidemic, referring to the growing hospitalizations and deaths because of overdose of opioid usage and addiction, has become a severe health problem in the United States. Many strategies have been developed by the federal and local governments and health communities to combat this crisis. Among them, improving our understanding of the epidemic through better health surveillance is one of the top priorities. In addition to direct testing, machine learning approaches may also allow us to detect opioid users by analyzing data from social media because many opioid users may choose not to do the tests but may share their experiences on social media anonymously. In this paper, we take advantage of recent advances in machine learning, collect and analyze user posts from a popular social network Reddit with the goal to identify opioid users. Posts from more than 1,000 users who have posted on three sub-reddits over a period of one month have been collected. In addition to the ones that contain keywords such as opioid, opiate, or heroin, we have also collected posts that contain slang words of opioid such as black or chocolate. We apply an attention-based bidirectional long short memory model to identify opioid users. Experimental results show that the approaches significantly outperform competitive algorithms in terms of F1-score. Furthermore, the model allows us to extract most informative words, such as opiate, opioid, and black, from posts via the attention layer, which provides more insights on how the machine learning algorithm works in distinguishing drug users from non-drug users.

CapsF: Capsule Fusion for Extracting psychiatric stressors for suicide from twitter

arXiv:2403.15391v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Along with factors such as cancer, blood pressure, street accidents and stroke, suicide has been one of Iran main causes of death. One of the main reasons for suicide is psychological stressors. Identifying psychological stressors in an at risk population can help in the early prevention of suicidal and suicidal behaviours. In recent years, the widespread popularity and flow of real time information sharing of social media have allowed for potential early intervention in large scale and even small scale populations. However, some automated approaches to extract psychiatric stressors from Twitter have been presented, but most of this research has been for non Persian languages. This study aims to investigate the techniques of detecting psychological stress related to suicide from Persian tweets using learning based methods. The proposed capsule based approach achieved a binary classification accuracy of 0.83.

Quantifying Human Priors over Social and Navigation Networks

arXiv:2402.18651v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Human knowledge is largely implicit and relational -- do we have a friend in common? can I walk from here to there? In this work, we leverage the combinatorial structure of graphs to quantify human priors over such relational data. Our experiments focus on two domains that have been continuously relevant over evolutionary timescales: social interaction and spatial navigation. We find that some features of the inferred priors are remarkably consistent, such as the tendency for sparsity as a function of graph size. Other features are domain-specific, such as the propensity for triadic closure in social interactions. More broadly, our work demonstrates how nonclassical statistical analysis of indirect behavioral experiments can be used to efficiently model latent biases in the data.

LLMs Among Us: Generative AI Participating in Digital Discourse

The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) has great potential to reshape the landscape of many social media platforms. While this can bring promising opportunities, it also raises many threats, such as biases and privacy concerns, and may contribute to the spread of propaganda by malicious actors. We developed the "LLMs Among Us" experimental framework on top of the Mastodon social media platform for bot and human participants to communicate without knowing the ratio or nature of bot and human participants. We built 10 personas with three different LLMs, GPT-4, LLama 2 Chat, and Claude. We conducted three rounds of the experiment and surveyed participants after each round to measure the ability of LLMs to pose as human participants without human detection. We found that participants correctly identified the nature of other users in the experiment only 42% of the time despite knowing the presence of both bots and humans. We also found that the choice of persona had substantially more impact on human perception than the choice of mainstream LLMs.

The Deep Latent Position Topic Model for Clustering and Representation of Networks with Textual Edges

Numerical interactions leading to users sharing textual content published by others are naturally represented by a network where the individuals are associated with the nodes and the exchanged texts with the edges. To understand those heterogeneous and complex data structures, clustering nodes into homogeneous groups as well as rendering a comprehensible visualisation of the data is mandatory. To address both issues, we introduce Deep-LPTM, a model-based clustering strategy relying on a variational graph auto-encoder approach as well as a probabilistic model to characterise the topics of discussion. Deep-LPTM allows to build a joint representation of the nodes and of the edges in two embeddings spaces. The parameters are inferred using a variational inference algorithm. We also introduce IC2L, a model selection criterion specifically designed to choose models with relevant clustering and visualisation properties. An extensive benchmark study on synthetic data is provided. In particular, we find that Deep-LPTM better recovers the partitions of the nodes than the state-of-the art ETSBM and STBM. Eventually, the emails of the Enron company are analysed and visualisations of the results are presented, with meaningful highlights of the graph structure.

Decoding the Popularity of TV Series: A Network Analysis Perspective

In this paper, we analyze the character networks extracted from three popular television series and explore the relationship between a TV show episode's character network metrics and its review from IMDB. Character networks are graphs created from the plot of a TV show that represents the interactions of characters in scenes, indicating the presence of a connection between them. We calculate various network metrics for each episode, such as node degree and graph density, and use these metrics to explore the potential relationship between network metrics and TV series reviews from IMDB. Our results show that certain network metrics of character interactions in episodes have a strong correlation with the review score of TV series. Our research aims to provide more quantitative information that can help TV producers understand how to adjust the character dynamics of future episodes to appeal to their audience. By understanding the impact of character interactions on audience engagement and enjoyment, producers can make informed decisions about the development of their shows.

GET-Tok: A GenAI-Enriched Multimodal TikTok Dataset Documenting the 2022 Attempted Coup in Peru

TikTok is one of the largest and fastest-growing social media sites in the world. TikTok features, however, such as voice transcripts, are often missing and other important features, such as OCR or video descriptions, do not exist. We introduce the Generative AI Enriched TikTok (GET-Tok) data, a pipeline for collecting TikTok videos and enriched data by augmenting the TikTok Research API with generative AI models. As a case study, we collect videos about the attempted coup in Peru initiated by its former President, Pedro Castillo, and its accompanying protests. The data includes information on 43,697 videos published from November 20, 2022 to March 1, 2023 (102 days). Generative AI augments the collected data via transcripts of TikTok videos, text descriptions of what is shown in the videos, what text is displayed within the video, and the stances expressed in the video. Overall, this pipeline will contribute to a better understanding of online discussion in a multimodal setting with applications of Generative AI, especially outlining the utility of this pipeline in non-English-language social media. Our code used to produce the pipeline is in a public Github repository: