Attention with Markov: A Framework for Principled Analysis of Transformers via Markov Chains

In recent years, attention-based transformers have achieved tremendous success across a variety of disciplines including natural languages. A key ingredient behind their success is the generative pretraining procedure, during which these models are trained on a large text corpus in an auto-regressive manner. To shed light on this phenomenon, we propose a new framework that allows both theory and systematic experiments to study the sequential modeling capabilities of transformers through the lens of Markov chains. Inspired by the Markovianity of natural languages, we model the data as a Markovian source and utilize this framework to systematically study the interplay between the data-distributional properties, the transformer architecture, the learnt distribution, and the final model performance. In particular, we theoretically characterize the loss landscape of single-layer transformers and show the existence of global minima and bad local minima contingent upon the specific data characteristics and the transformer architecture. Backed by experiments, we demonstrate that our theoretical findings are in congruence with the empirical results. We further investigate these findings in the broader context of higher order Markov chains and deeper architectures, and outline open problems in this arena. Code is available at \url{}.

The Information of Large Language Model Geometry

This paper investigates the information encoded in the embeddings of large language models (LLMs). We conduct simulations to analyze the representation entropy and discover a power law relationship with model sizes. Building upon this observation, we propose a theory based on (conditional) entropy to elucidate the scaling law phenomenon. Furthermore, we delve into the auto-regressive structure of LLMs and examine the relationship between the last token and previous context tokens using information theory and regression techniques. Specifically, we establish a theoretical connection between the information gain of new tokens and ridge regression. Additionally, we explore the effectiveness of Lasso regression in selecting meaningful tokens, which sometimes outperforms the closely related attention weights. Finally, we conduct controlled experiments, and find that information is distributed across tokens, rather than being concentrated in specific "meaningful" tokens alone.

IM-META: Influence Maximization Using Node Metadata in Networks With Unknown Topology

Since the structure of complex networks is often unknown, we may identify the most influential seed nodes by exploring only a part of the underlying network, given a small budget for node queries. We propose IM-META, a solution to influence maximization (IM) in networks with unknown topology by retrieving information from queries and node metadata. Since using such metadata is not without risk due to the noisy nature of metadata and uncertainties in connectivity inference, we formulate a new IM problem that aims to find both seed nodes and queried nodes. In IM-META, we develop an effective method that iteratively performs three steps: 1) we learn the relationship between collected metadata and edges via a Siamese neural network, 2) we select a number of inferred confident edges to construct a reinforced graph, and 3) we identify the next node to query by maximizing the inferred influence spread using our topology-aware ranking strategy. Through experimental evaluation of IM-META on four real-world datasets, we demonstrate a) the speed of network exploration via node queries, b) the effectiveness of each module, c) the superiority over benchmark methods, d) the robustness to more difficult settings, e) the hyperparameter sensitivity, and f) the scalability.

LASER: Linear Compression in Wireless Distributed Optimization

Data-parallel SGD is the de facto algorithm for distributed optimization, especially for large scale machine learning. Despite its merits, communication bottleneck is one of its persistent issues. Most compression schemes to alleviate this either assume noiseless communication links, or fail to achieve good performance on practical tasks. In this paper, we close this gap and introduce LASER: LineAr CompreSsion in WirEless DistRibuted Optimization. LASER capitalizes on the inherent low-rank structure of gradients and transmits them efficiently over the noisy channels. Whilst enjoying theoretical guarantees similar to those of the classical SGD, LASER shows consistent gains over baselines on a variety of practical benchmarks. In particular, it outperforms the state-of-the-art compression schemes on challenging computer vision and GPT language modeling tasks. On the latter, we obtain $50$-$64 \%$ improvement in perplexity over our baselines for noisy channels.

Large Multi-Modal Models (LMMs) as Universal Foundation Models for AI-Native Wireless Systems

Large language models (LLMs) and foundation models have been recently touted as a game-changer for 6G systems. However, recent efforts on LLMs for wireless networks are limited to a direct application of existing language mod- els that were designed for natural language processing (NLP) applications. To address this challenge and create wireless-centric foundation models, this paper presents a comprehensive vision on how to design universal foundation models that are tailored towards the deployment of artificial intelligence (AI)-native networks. Diverging from NLP-based foundation models, the proposed framework promotes the design of large multi-modal models (LMMs) fostered by three key capabilities: 1) processing of multi-modal sensing data, 2) grounding of physical symbol representations in real-world wireless systems using causal reasoning and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), and 3) enabling instructibility from the wireless environment feedback to facilitate dynamic network adaptation thanks to logical and mathematical reasoning facilitated by neuro-symbolic AI. In essence, these properties enable the pro- posed LMM framework to build universal capabilities that cater to various cross-layer networking tasks and alignment of intents across different domains. Preliminary results from experimental evaluation demonstrate the efficacy of grounding using RAG in LMMs, and showcase the alignment of LMMs with wireless system designs. Furthermore, the enhanced rationale exhibited in the responses to mathematical questions by LMMs, compared to vanilla LLMs, demonstrates the logical and mathematical reasoning capabilities inherent in LMMs. Building on those results, we present a sequel of open questions and challenges for LMMs. We then conclude with a set of recommendations that ignite the path towards LMM-empowered AI-native systems.

Can Large Language Models Learn Independent Causal Mechanisms?

Despite impressive performance on language modelling and complex reasoning tasks, Large Language Models (LLMs) fall short on the same tasks in uncommon settings or with distribution shifts, exhibiting some lack of generalisation ability. This issue has usually been alleviated by feeding more training data into the LLM. However, this method is brittle, as the scope of tasks may not be readily predictable or may evolve, and updating the model with new data generally requires extensive additional training. By contrast, systems, such as causal models, that learn abstract variables and causal relationships can demonstrate increased robustness against changes in the distribution. One reason for this success is the existence and use of Independent Causal Mechanisms (ICMs) representing high-level concepts that only sparsely interact. In this work, we apply two concepts from causality to learn ICMs within LLMs. We develop a new LLM architecture composed of multiple sparsely interacting language modelling modules. We introduce a routing scheme to induce specialisation of the network into domain-specific modules. We also present a Mutual Information minimisation objective that trains a separate module to learn abstraction and domain-invariant mechanisms. We show that such causal constraints can improve out-of-distribution performance on abstract and causal reasoning tasks.

An Information-Theoretic Approach to Analyze NLP Classification Tasks

Understanding the importance of the inputs on the output is useful across many tasks. This work provides an information-theoretic framework to analyse the influence of inputs for text classification tasks. Natural language processing (NLP) tasks take either a single element input or multiple element inputs to predict an output variable, where an element is a block of text. Each text element has two components: an associated semantic meaning and a linguistic realization. Multiple-choice reading comprehension (MCRC) and sentiment classification (SC) are selected to showcase the framework. For MCRC, it is found that the context influence on the output compared to the question influence reduces on more challenging datasets. In particular, more challenging contexts allow a greater variation in complexity of questions. Hence, test creators need to carefully consider the choice of the context when designing multiple-choice questions for assessment. For SC, it is found the semantic meaning of the input text dominates (above 80\% for all datasets considered) compared to its linguistic realisation when determining the sentiment. The framework is made available at: