Distributed Feature Screening via Componentwise Debiasing

Feature screening is a powerful tool in processing high-dimensional data. When the sample size N and the number of features p are both large, the implementation of classic screening methods can be numerically challenging. In this paper, we propose a distributed screening framework for big data setup. In the spirit of 'divide-and-conquer', the proposed framework expresses a correlation measure as a function of several component parameters, each of which can be distributively estimated using a natural U-statistic from data segments. With the component estimates aggregated, we obtain a final correlation estimate that can be readily used for screening features. This framework enables distributed storage and parallel computing and thus is computationally attractive. Due to the unbiased distributive estimation of the component parameters, the final aggregated estimate achieves a high accuracy that is insensitive to the number of data segments m. Under mild conditions, we show that the aggregated correlation estimator is as efficient as the centralized estimator in terms of the probability convergence bound and the mean squared error rate; the corresponding screening procedure enjoys sure screening property for a wide range of correlation measures. The promising performances of the new method are supported by extensive numerical examples.

High-Dimensional Interactions Detection with Sparse Principal Hessian Matrix

In statistical learning framework with regressions, interactions are the contributions to the response variable from the products of the explanatory variables. In high-dimensional problems, detecting interactions is challenging due to combinatorial complexity and limited data information. We consider detecting interactions by exploring their connections with the principal Hessian matrix. Specifically, we propose a one-step synthetic approach for estimating the principal Hessian matrix by a penalized M-estimator. An alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is proposed to efficiently solve the encountered regularized optimization problem. Based on the sparse estimator, we detect the interactions by identifying its nonzero components. Our method directly targets at the interactions, and it requires no structural assumption on the hierarchy of the interactions effects. We show that our estimator is theoretically valid, computationally efficient, and practically useful for detecting the interactions in a broad spectrum of scenarios.

Connecting Spectral Clustering to Maximum Margins and Level Sets

We study the connections between spectral clustering and the problems of maximum margin clustering, and estimation of the components of level sets of a density function. Specifically, we obtain bounds on the eigenvectors of graph Laplacian matrices in terms of the between cluster separation, and within cluster connectivity. These bounds ensure that the spectral clustering solution converges to the maximum margin clustering solution as the scaling parameter is reduced towards zero. The sensitivity of maximum margin clustering solutions to outlying points is well known, but can be mitigated by first removing such outliers, and applying maximum margin clustering to the remaining points. If outliers are identified using an estimate of the underlying probability density, then the remaining points may be seen as an estimate of a level set of this density function. We show that such an approach can be used to consistently estimate the components of the level sets of a density function under very mild assumptions.

Path-Based Spectral Clustering: Guarantees, Robustness to Outliers, and Fast Algorithms

We consider the problem of clustering with the longest-leg path distance (LLPD) metric, which is informative for elongated and irregularly shaped clusters. We prove finite-sample guarantees on the performance of clustering with respect to this metric when random samples are drawn from multiple intrinsically low-dimensional clusters in high-dimensional space, in the presence of a large number of high-dimensional outliers. By combining these results with spectral clustering with respect to LLPD, we provide conditions under which the Laplacian eigengap statistic correctly determines the number of clusters for a large class of data sets, and prove guarantees on the labeling accuracy of the proposed algorithm. Our methods are quite general and provide performance guarantees for spectral clustering with any ultrametric. We also introduce an efficient, easy to implement approximation algorithm for the LLPD based on a multiscale analysis of adjacency graphs, which allows for the runtime of LLPD spectral clustering to be quasilinear in the number of data points.

Geomstats: A Python Package for Riemannian Geometry in Machine Learning

We introduce Geomstats, an open-source Python package for computations and statistics on nonlinear manifolds such as hyperbolic spaces, spaces of symmetric positive definite matrices, Lie groups of transformations, and many more. We provide object-oriented and extensively unit-tested implementations. Manifolds come equipped with families of Riemannian metrics with associated exponential and logarithmic maps, geodesics, and parallel transport. Statistics and learning algorithms provide methods for estimation, clustering, and dimension reduction on manifolds. All associated operations are vectorized for batch computation and provide support for different execution backends---namely NumPy, PyTorch, and TensorFlow. This paper presents the package, compares it with related libraries, and provides relevant code examples. We show that Geomstats provides reliable building blocks to both foster research in differential geometry and statistics and democratize the use of Riemannian geometry in machine learning applications. The source code is freely available under the MIT license at geomstats.ai.

Convergences of Regularized Algorithms and Stochastic Gradient Methods with Random Projections

We study the least-squares regression problem over a Hilbert space, covering nonparametric regression over a reproducing kernel Hilbert space as a special case. We first investigate regularized algorithms adapted to a projection operator on a closed subspace of the Hilbert space. We prove convergence results with respect to variants of norms, under a capacity assumption on the hypothesis space and a regularity condition on the target function. As a result, we obtain optimal rates for regularized algorithms with randomized sketches, provided that the sketch dimension is proportional to the effective dimension up to a logarithmic factor. As a byproduct, we obtain similar results for Nystr\"{o}m regularized algorithms. Our results provide optimal, distribution-dependent rates that do not have any saturation effect for sketched/Nystr\"{o}m regularized algorithms, considering both the attainable and non-attainable cases, in the well-conditioned regimes. We then study stochastic gradient methods with projection over the subspace, allowing multi-pass over the data and minibatches, and we derive similar optimal statistical convergence results.

A Statistical Learning Approach to Modal Regression

This paper studies the nonparametric modal regression problem systematically from a statistical learning viewpoint. Originally motivated by pursuing a theoretical understanding of the maximum correntropy criterion based regression (MCCR), our study reveals that MCCR with a tending-to-zero scale parameter is essentially modal regression. We show that the nonparametric modal regression problem can be approached via the classical empirical risk minimization. Some efforts are then made to develop a framework for analyzing and implementing modal regression. For instance, the modal regression function is described, the modal regression risk is defined explicitly and its Bayes rule is characterized; for the sake of computational tractability, the surrogate modal regression risk, which is termed as the generalization risk in our study, is introduced. On the theoretical side, the excess modal regression risk, the excess generalization risk, the function estimation error, and the relations among the above three quantities are studied rigorously. It turns out that under mild conditions, function estimation consistency and convergence may be pursued in modal regression as in vanilla regression protocols such as mean regression, median regression, and quantile regression. On the practical side, the implementation issues of modal regression including the computational algorithm and the selection of the tuning parameters are discussed. Numerical validations on modal regression are also conducted to verify our findings.

DESlib: A Dynamic ensemble selection library in Python

DESlib is an open-source python library providing the implementation of several dynamic selection techniques. The library is divided into three modules: (i) dcs, containing the implementation of dynamic classifier selection methods (DCS); (ii) des, containing the implementation of dynamic ensemble selection methods (DES); (iii) static, with the implementation of static ensemble techniques. The library is fully documented (documentation available online on Read the Docs), has a high test coverage (codecov.io) and is part of the scikit-learn-contrib supported projects. Documentation, code and examples can be found on its GitHub page: https://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/DESlib.

Universal Latent Space Model Fitting for Large Networks with Edge Covariates

Latent space models are effective tools for statistical modeling and visualization of network data. Due to their close connection to generalized linear models, it is also natural to incorporate covariate information in them. The current paper presents two universal fitting algorithms for networks with edge covariates: one based on nuclear norm penalization and the other based on projected gradient descent. Both algorithms are motivated by maximizing the likelihood function for an existing class of inner-product models, and we establish their statistical rates of convergence for these models. In addition, the theory informs us that both methods work simultaneously for a wide range of different latent space models that allow latent positions to affect edge formation in flexible ways, such as distance models. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the methods is demonstrated on a number of real world network data sets for different statistical tasks, including community detection with and without edge covariates, and network assisted learning.

Weighted Message Passing and Minimum Energy Flow for Heterogeneous Stochastic Block Models with Side Information

We study the misclassification error for community detection in general heterogeneous stochastic block models (SBM) with noisy or partial label information. We establish a connection between the misclassification rate and the notion of minimum energy on the local neighborhood of the SBM. We develop an optimally weighted message passing algorithm to reconstruct labels for SBM based on the minimum energy flow and the eigenvectors of a certain Markov transition matrix. The general SBM considered in this paper allows for unequal-size communities, degree heterogeneity, and different connection probabilities among blocks. We focus on how to optimally weigh the message passing to improve misclassification.