Aggregated Hold-Out

Aggregated hold-out (agghoo) is a method which averages learning rules selected by hold-out (that is, cross-validation with a single split). We provide the first theoretical guarantees on agghoo, ensuring that it can be used safely: Agghoo performs at worst like the hold-out when the risk is convex. The same holds true in classification with the 0--1 risk, with an additional constant factor. For the hold-out, oracle inequalities are known for bounded losses, as in binary classification. We show that similar results can be proved, under appropriate assumptions, for other risk-minimization problems. In particular, we obtain an oracle inequality for regularized kernel regression with a Lipschitz loss, without requiring that the $Y$ variable or the regressors be bounded. Numerical experiments show that aggregation brings a significant improvement over the hold-out and that agghoo is competitive with cross-validation.

A Review of Robot Learning for Manipulation: Challenges, Representations, and Algorithms

A key challenge in intelligent robotics is creating robots that are capable of directly interacting with the world around them to achieve their goals. The last decade has seen substantial growth in research on the problem of robot manipulation, which aims to exploit the increasing availability of affordable robot arms and grippers to create robots capable of directly interacting with the world to achieve their goals. Learning will be central to such autonomous systems, as the real world contains too much variation for a robot to expect to have an accurate model of its environment, the objects in it, or the skills required to manipulate them, in advance. We aim to survey a representative subset of that research which uses machine learning for manipulation. We describe a formalization of the robot manipulation learning problem that synthesizes existing research into a single coherent framework and highlight the many remaining research opportunities and challenges.

Finite Time LTI System Identification

We address the problem of learning the parameters of a stable linear time invariant (LTI) system with unknown latent space dimension, or order, from a single time--series of noisy input-output data. We focus on learning the best lower order approximation allowed by finite data. Motivated by subspace algorithms in systems theory, where the doubly infinite system Hankel matrix captures both order and good lower order approximations, we construct a Hankel-like matrix from noisy finite data using ordinary least squares. This circumvents the non-convexities that arise in system identification, and allows accurate estimation of the underlying LTI system. Our results rely on careful analysis of self-normalized martingale difference terms that helps bound identification error up to logarithmic factors of the lower bound. We provide a data-dependent scheme for order selection and find an accurate realization of system parameters, corresponding to that order, by an approach that is closely related to the Ho-Kalman subspace algorithm. We demonstrate that the proposed model order selection procedure is not overly conservative, i.e., for the given data length it is not possible to estimate higher order models or find higher order approximations with reasonable accuracy.

Distributed Feature Screening via Componentwise Debiasing

Feature screening is a powerful tool in processing high-dimensional data. When the sample size N and the number of features p are both large, the implementation of classic screening methods can be numerically challenging. In this paper, we propose a distributed screening framework for big data setup. In the spirit of 'divide-and-conquer', the proposed framework expresses a correlation measure as a function of several component parameters, each of which can be distributively estimated using a natural U-statistic from data segments. With the component estimates aggregated, we obtain a final correlation estimate that can be readily used for screening features. This framework enables distributed storage and parallel computing and thus is computationally attractive. Due to the unbiased distributive estimation of the component parameters, the final aggregated estimate achieves a high accuracy that is insensitive to the number of data segments m. Under mild conditions, we show that the aggregated correlation estimator is as efficient as the centralized estimator in terms of the probability convergence bound and the mean squared error rate; the corresponding screening procedure enjoys sure screening property for a wide range of correlation measures. The promising performances of the new method are supported by extensive numerical examples.

Lower Bounds for Parallel and Randomized Convex Optimization

We study the question of whether parallelization in the exploration of the feasible set can be used to speed up convex optimization, in the local oracle model of computation and in the high-dimensional regime. We show that the answer is negative for both deterministic and randomized algorithms applied to essentially any of the interesting geometries and nonsmooth, weakly-smooth, or smooth objective functions. In particular, we show that it is not possible to obtain a polylogarithmic (in the sequential complexity of the problem) number of parallel rounds with a polynomial (in the dimension) number of queries per round. In the majority of these settings and when the dimension of the space is polynomial in the inverse target accuracy, our lower bounds match the oracle complexity of sequential convex optimization, up to at most a logarithmic factor in the dimension, which makes them (nearly) tight. Another conceptual contribution of our work is in providing a general and streamlined framework for proving lower bounds in the setting of parallel convex optimization. Prior to our work, lower bounds for parallel convex optimization algorithms were only known in a small fraction of the settings considered in this paper, mainly applying to Euclidean ($\ell_2$) and $\ell_\infty$ spaces.

Noise Accumulation in High Dimensional Classification and Total Signal Index

Great attention has been paid to Big Data in recent years. Such data hold promise for scientific discoveries but also pose challenges to analyses. One potential challenge is noise accumulation. In this paper, we explore noise accumulation in high dimensional two-group classification. First, we revisit a previous assessment of noise accumulation with principal component analyses, which yields a different threshold for discriminative ability than originally identified. Then we extend our scope to its impact on classifiers developed with three common machine learning approaches---random forest, support vector machine, and boosted classification trees. We simulate four scenarios with differing amounts of signal strength to evaluate each method. After determining noise accumulation may affect the performance of these classifiers, we assess factors that impact it. We conduct simulations by varying sample size, signal strength, signal strength proportional to the number predictors, and signal magnitude with random forest classifiers. These simulations suggest that noise accumulation affects the discriminative ability of high-dimensional classifiers developed using common machine learning methods, which can be modified by sample size, signal strength, and signal magnitude. We developed the measure total signal index (TSI) to track the trends of total signal and noise accumulation.

High-dimensional Gaussian graphical models on network-linked data

Graphical models are commonly used to represent conditional dependence relationships between variables. There are multiple methods available for exploring them from high-dimensional data, but almost all of them rely on the assumption that the observations are independent and identically distributed. At the same time, observations connected by a network are becoming increasingly common, and tend to violate these assumptions. Here we develop a Gaussian graphical model for observations connected by a network with potentially different mean vectors, varying smoothly over the network. We propose an efficient estimation algorithm and demonstrate its effectiveness on both simulated and real data, obtaining meaningful and interpretable results on a statistics coauthorship network. We also prove that our method estimates both the inverse covariance matrix and the corresponding graph structure correctly under the assumption of network “cohesion”, which refers to the empirically observed phenomenon of network neighbors sharing similar traits.

Fast Rates for General Unbounded Loss Functions: From ERM to Generalized Bayes

We present new excess risk bounds for general unbounded loss functions including log loss and squared loss, where the distribution of the losses may be heavy-tailed. The bounds hold for general estimators, but they are optimized when applied to $\eta$-generalized Bayesian, MDL, and empirical risk minimization estimators. In the case of log loss, the bounds imply convergence rates for generalized Bayesian inference under misspecification in terms of a generalization of the Hellinger metric as long as the learning rate $\eta$ is set correctly. For general loss functions, our bounds rely on two separate conditions: the $v$-GRIP (generalized reversed information projection) conditions, which control the lower tail of the excess loss; and the newly introduced witness condition, which controls the upper tail. The parameter $v$ in the $v$-GRIP conditions determines the achievable rate and is akin to the exponent in the Tsybakov margin condition and the Bernstein condition for bounded losses, which the $v$-GRIP conditions generalize; favorable $v$ in combination with small model complexity leads to $\tilde{O}(1/n)$ rates. The witness condition allows us to connect the excess risk to an 'annealed' version thereof, by which we generalize several previous results connecting Hellinger and Rényi divergence to KL divergence.

GluonTS: Probabilistic and Neural Time Series Modeling in Python

We introduce the Gluon Time Series Toolkit (GluonTS), a Python library for deep learning based time series modeling for ubiquitous tasks, such as forecasting and anomaly detection. GluonTS simplifies the time series modeling pipeline by providing the necessary components and tools for quick model development, efficient experimentation and evaluation. In addition, it contains reference implementations of state-of-the-art time series models that enable simple benchmarking of new algorithms.

Minimax Nonparametric Parallelism Test

Testing the hypothesis of parallelism is a fundamental statistical problem arising from many applied sciences. In this paper, we develop a nonparametric parallelism test for inferring whether the trends are parallel in treatment and control groups. In particular, the proposed nonparametric parallelism test is a Wald type test based on a smoothing spline ANOVA (SSANOVA) model which can characterize the complex patterns of the data. We derive that the asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic is a Chi-square distribution, unveiling a new version of Wilks phenomenon. Notably, we establish the minimax sharp lower bound of the distinguishable rate for the nonparametric parallelism test by using the information theory, and further prove that the proposed test is minimax optimal. Simulation studies are conducted to investigate the empirical performance of the proposed test. DNA methylation and neuroimaging studies are presented to illustrate potential applications of the test. The software is available at